Project Proposal (Ikra)

St. Valentine’s Day: Origins and Evolution

Project Proposal


Problem: I am researching the origins and evolution of St. Valentine’s Day from a day about commemorating a Christian martyr to a globalizing celebration of some shared notion of “romantic love.” Valentine’s Day sacred origins go back to roughly the 5th century, and it has now evolved into a secularized holiday. As a history major at Davidson, I’m curious to know the historical development of a day commemorated for centuries and its coming to a such a massive commercialized status because in it is a fascinating tale applicable to all of our lives today. In that sense, this isn’t just a site for someone who wants to know the history of the Valentine’s Day, although it certainly is also that. In the evolution of St. Valentine’s Day, we have the tide of changing times, intellectual thought, values, and changing society. Valentine’s is a holiday consistent across the various periods of history, that bridges the past to the present, but also has embedded within it numerous changes over time. My project’s larger significance, then, is to use Valentine’s Day as a case study to tell us our own social and intellectual history.

For my sources & data, I will use mostly historical journals and other scholarly articles. I have already conducted preliminary research, through reading online articles from about the history of Valentine’s Day and I have researched the library to see what books we have on it. I will soon check out from our library a 1952 book by Ruth Webb Lee entitled a History of Valentine’s.  I am going to use research librarians and our library databases to collect my information. I am familiar with how to do historical and general scholarly research because I was history major and wrote a senior thesis that required significant archival digging and researching. I am concerned about not having access to ILL, since I am not officially a Davidson student. For that, I am going to speak with our course professors and the library staff. (I may have a solution, but I will have to speak with the professor I work for who has a guest account for his research assistant to order from ILL).

Doing this project digitally presents its own fruits and challenges, some of which I have tried to delineate below.

Digital Aspect: A beautifully-crafted and well-researched digital display of the history of Valentine’s Day that I can share with friends and those who may be interested in learning how the centuries have shaped our society   Humanities Aspect: I think most people don’t care about looking into why we celebrate what we celebrate, and the meaning behind certain public norms. This is case for why history matters and what it can teach us about ourselves and about the world. Of course, it’s only a small contribution through the lens of one holiday that was initially a holy-day marking St. Valentine’s death. How did we get here, and why does it matter to us humans? I hope I can at least chip away a small part at this larger life question.   The Major One: I don’t know how to use digital platforms and digital humanities is completely new for me, so I will be learning a new language in a way and using new research tools with which I am quite unfamiliar. This will become very time-intensive in the sense that I will have to first learn how to use the tool before I can even begin to get my content on there. It will likely be challenging (not necessarily a “con” in negative sense).

Social Media Networking Plan

#1) TBD due to updated information on one of my sources. Reach out to scholar Eric Schmidt (contact info to be discovered).

#2) Dr. Wertheimer (history department at Davidson College) & my former history advisor

#3) Teacher Ali Gulestan (who collects research and data on holidays, language expert)

I can reach all of these people through email and phone, and I have the contact information for all.

Set of Steps to Generate Interest:

1. Ask family and friends how I should attract them to this.

2. Write a Davidsonian Article.

3. Create a Twitter Account for my digital project & tweet throughout the year.*

4. Create an Instagram and post archival documents and quotes from my research.*

*(The ones I will invest the most time and effort into.)

I think all of these will help amass a decent following in interested readers, especially perhaps Valentine’s Day lovers like me more interested in investigating its roots.

Some Sources:

Lee, Ruth Webb. 1952. A History of Valentines. New York: Studio Publications in association with Crowell. (Main Library Stacks: 741.6 L47h)

Johnson, Robert. The Psychology of Romantic Love.

Van Dyk, Natalie. “The Reconceptualization of Valentine’s Day in the
United States: Valentine’s Day as a Phenomenon of
Popular Culture.

17 thoughts on “Project Proposal (Ikra)

  • February 19, 2019 at 1:28 am

    This sounds like a really fun project! Going along with the commercial aspect of it, I wonder what the political implications might have been.

    • February 24, 2019 at 2:01 am

      Interesting food for thought…what do you mean by political implications? I don’t think I quite understand.

  • February 19, 2019 at 6:24 pm

    I think there’s a lot of potential in the social media plan. Considering how popular these holidays are, people would be very interested of the history behind them!

    • February 24, 2019 at 2:02 am

      You think so? Thanks William, that’s reassuring. I was beginning think my excitement on this is disproportional to how many people would actually care.

  • February 19, 2019 at 9:25 pm

    It seems like you already have a good idea of what you want the content of your site to be and how you’ll go about finding the information you need. A timeline seems like an obvious addition to make, but I was wondering if maybe you could add a map to show how the holiday has traveled over time?

    • February 24, 2019 at 2:03 am

      I totally want to do that!! I think the map will be primary, and then the timeline can be in the text.

  • February 19, 2019 at 10:08 pm

    I think promoting this project would be easier because the holiday is so popular. It has the potential to spark similar projects around different holidays.

  • February 20, 2019 at 12:35 am

    I love projects that explore something small to teach us something greater about our society. I think a lot of people will find interest in your project.

  • February 20, 2019 at 2:29 am

    I notice your project has evolved from your first proposal in class about all holidays/all holidays in any given month to a focus on Valentines Day. I do think this sounds far more manageable and has an added layer of depth (as opposed to the initial vision of breadth). You present the case for thinking about our social practices–specifically our celebrations and holidays–more diligently. This makes me think of the ways in which Valentines day has trickled over to other cultures and landscapes, and the effect of this cultural transport in other societies. There’s an article in The Atlantic on the Hindu Right Wing hostility to Valentines Day in India that you might find interesting. (Linked Below)

    • February 24, 2019 at 2:12 am

      Hey Naira! I really did find this article fascinating and thanks for sending it to me. It actually may have a spot on my site.

  • February 20, 2019 at 1:06 pm

    I really like that you are using a holiday to teach us about greater cultural and historical aspects. I also appreciate that you are bringing to the forefront something many of us take for granted: the reason behind what we celebrate. I am excited to see what you come up with!

    • February 24, 2019 at 2:21 am

      Thanks for the encouragement Sofia!

  • February 20, 2019 at 2:15 pm

    Hey Ikra! Sounds like a really original project. Have you already started thinking about what digital tools you want to use to showcase your research? A timeline? Map? Bios? A game? Since the historical lineage transcends continents, how will you decide which countries to focus on? Will it just be U.S.-centric? I know we’ve briefly talked about some of these things, but I’m curious about how your thought process has since evolved.

    • February 24, 2019 at 2:40 am

      Hello AJ! …I don’t know yet. I may use NeatLine which Suzanne suggested to me in class when we presented proposals. I also thought that the holiday kind of started somewhere in Europe and spread to Western Europe and then to the U.S. so if the linear geographic scheme breaks down (of how I imagine V-Day to be traveling over time) I’m not sure how I’ll navigate yet. We shall see. I am hoping my SSR’s will give me more clarity as I get deeper into the research.

  • February 20, 2019 at 4:17 pm

    Really fun topic! It’ll be interesting how you depict changes throughout time and between various cultures.

  • February 20, 2019 at 4:47 pm

    Fun! Wonder if V Day actually started out with more significant roots or if it has always been commercialized.

    • February 24, 2019 at 2:13 am

      Me too…I guess we will find out hopefully through my research.


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